Tuesday, July 4, 2023

your email was selected among the FIVE lucky winners on Coca-Cola

Dear Friends,
At first take my love from the core of my heart. Here I will discuss about email scamming.
Hi, I'm sitting for writing this tutorial because most of my blog readers send me e-mail and they have a request to write. They have written to me that....

  1. What is e-mail scamming?
  2. How to e-mail scam?
  3. What is the bad effect of email Spam?
  4. What is the remedy of e-mail Spam?
  5. How can I get rid of e-mail Scam?

Now read this spam email very attentively and try to understand the meaning of this email. If you are using google mail or Gmail, then you will get this kind of worming - 





your email was selected among the FIVE lucky winners on Coca-Cola

email show in Benin Republic and online selection compensation program in

association with the International Corporation of Benin Republic OIL &

GAS LTD, with the winning number

(2xxx90A) and reference number (M884XX9) on 30th June 2023,your email

address WON Coca-Cola Atm card loaded the sum of $3.5million usd,New

lexus jeep Car and 2 sets of plasma television.kindly email James Quincey on

cocacola8099@gmail.com the former president of Coca-Cola company in USA or

you can contact the Coca-Cola show Director in Benin Republic pastor Mark

on (+229)6945-5794

for confirmation of your winning prizes.Fill this space below





 Phone Number...........


 Current Airport........

 Residential Address.....


thanks and remain bless

Best Regards

Mr James Quincey the former President of Coca-Cola Company

Email. cocacola8099@gmail.com

Read more spam email:
Spam email

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